TASOPT.jl Documentation

TASOPT.jl is a multi-disciplinary aircraft design and optimization code implemented in Julia based on TASOPT by Mark Drela.

It can currently model tube-and-wing aircraft using 2D viscous-inviscid CFD to calculate aerodynamic performance, simple beam bending theory to size the wings, and thermodynamic cycle modeling to calculate engine performance.

New modelling capabilities are actively being developed. Please be sure to refer to the full documentation and dev notes before financing a new airframe development project.

Getting started

There are several workflows that are possible to use TASOPT.jl. We outline here the most common few.

Simple install

The easiest way to run TASOPT.jl would be to add the package using the julia package manager using the github repository.

You can do this by starting a Julia session and then activating the package manager by typing ] and then entering:

pkg> add git@github.com:MIT-LAE/TASOPT.jl.git

You can then import TASOPT as you would with any Julia package:

julia> using TASOPT

Local development

If you are going to develop the source code of TASOPT.jl you might benefit from a local clone of the git repository which can then fit into a workflow using Revise.jl for example.

Step 1: Clone the git repo locally

git clone git@github.mit.edu:LAE/TAESOPT.jl.git

Step 2: cd to the folder where TASOPT is cloned

Step 3: Use Pkg to install/ develop the package

pkg> dev .

You should now be able to import TASOPT from within any Julia script in your base environment.

We'd suggest starting with the examples.


If you are using Revise.jl be sure to first import Revise before importing TASOPT

using Revise
using TASOPT

Units and Non-Dimensionals

All dimensional quantities are treated internally as SI.

Refer to /src/IO/default_input.toml for the input file's conversion capability and formatting. It's also useful for typical values and explaining inputs.

Non-dimensionalization follows the Drela conventions (see TASOPT Technical Description).

Documentation built 2024-09-03T18:14:15.772 with Julia 1.10.5