Example for a Payload-Range diagram


Choosing a design mission

To plot a payload-range diagram with a fleet of missions you must first load any aircraft model and set it to have 2 missions (The off design mission is how we will see if certain payload and ranges work)

Start by choosing a design mission. Your design mission should be what you want the second corner point in your Payload Range plot to be. Once you have a chosen a specific design range and payload weight (For eg: 3500 nmi and 195 pax) you can add it to the input toml file for eg: default_input.toml

    N_missions = 2 # Number of missions to be modeled (first mission is the design mission)
    pax = 195       # Number of passengers in each mission
    range = "3500.0 nmi" # Design Range + second mission range
                            #["3000.0 nmi", "500.0 nmi", "2500.0 nmi", "3550.0 nmi", "3734.0 nmi"] # Design Range + second mission range
    weight_per_pax = "215.0 lbf" # Specify weight per passenger - 
                            # includes luggage [lbm or lbf or kg or N] 

Julia script for Payload Range Diagram

Start the script importing TASOPT.jl, PyPlot and index.inc and then loading the default aircraft model.

# Import modules
using PyPlot
using TASOPT
# you can optionally define
# const tas = TASOPT 
# to use as a shorthand
# import indices for calling parameters

# Load aircraft using default module
ac = TASOPT.read_aircraft_model(joinpath(__TASOPTroot__, "../example/PRD_input.toml"))
time_wsize = @elapsed size_aircraft!(ac)

One way is to call the PayloadRange function:


If you want a more customizable diagram, first initialize some variables for mission range and payloads

# Make an array of ranges to plot
RangeArray = ac.parm[imRange] * LinRange(0.1,1.2,Rpts)
# Store constant values to compare later
Wmax = ac.parg[igWMTO]
Fuelmax = ac.parg[igWfmax]
Wempty = ac.parg[igWMTO] - ac.parg[igWfuel] - ac.parg[igWpay]
# Arrays for plotting
RangesToPlot = []
PayloadToPlot = []
maxPay = ac.parm[imWpay ]

Main iteration loop

for Range = RangeArray
    # Make an array of payloads to plot
    Payloads = (maxPay) * LinRange(1, 0.1, Ppts)
    ac.parm[imRange] = Range
    for mWpay = Payloads
        println("Checking for Range (nmi): ",Range/1852.0, " and Pax = ", mWpay/(215*4.44822))
        ac.parm[imWpay ] = mWpay
        # Try woper after setting new range and payload
            TASOPT.woper(ac, 2, saveOffDesign = true)
            # woper success: store maxPay, break loop
            mWfuel = ac.parm[imWfuel,2]
            WTO = Wempty + mWpay + mWfuel

            if WTO > Wmax || mWfuel > Fuelmax || WTO < 0.0 || mWfuel < 0.0 
                WTO = 0.0
                mWfuel = 0.0
                println("Max out error!")
                if mWpay == 0
                    println("Payload 0 and no convergence found")
                    maxPay = 0
                maxPay = mWpay
                println("Converged - moving to next range...")
            println("Not Converged - moving to lower payload...")      
    append!(RangesToPlot, Range)
    if OEW
        append!(PayloadToPlot, maxPay+Wempty)
        append!(PayloadToPlot, maxPay)

Plot Payload Range diagram

using PyPlot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5), dpi = 300)
ax.plot(RangesToPlot ./ (1000*1852.0), PayloadToPlot./ (9.8*1000), linestyle="-",  color="b", label="Payload ")
ax.set_xlabel("Range (1000 nmi)")
ax.set_ylabel("Weight (1000 kg)")
ax.set_title("Payload Range Plot")
