Propulsion system

A turbofan model is provided in TASOPT.jl

Turbofan model

tfcalc(pari,parg,para,pare, ip, icall,icool,initeng)

Calls function tfsize or tfoper for one operating point.

🔃 Inputs and Outputs


  • icall: 0 call on-design sizing routine tfsize 1 call off-design analysis routine tfoper, specified Tt4 2 call off-design analysis routine tfoper, specified Fe

  • icool: 0 use zero cooling mass flow ratio regardless 1 use specified cooling flow ratios epsrow(.), calculate Tmrow(.) 2 use specified metal temperatures Tmrow(.) , calculate epsrow(.)

  • initeng: 0 initialize variables for iteration in TFOPER 1 use current variables as initial guesses in TFOPER

tfsize!(gee, M0, T0, p0, a0, M2, M25,
  Feng, Phiinl, Kinl, iBLIc,
  BPR, pif, pilc, pihc,
  pid, pib, pifn, pitn,
  Ttf, ifuel, etab,
  epf0, eplc0, ephc0, epht0, eplt0,
  pifK, epfK,
  mofft, Pofft,
  Tt9, pt9, Tt4,
  epsl, epsh,
  Mtexit, dTstrk, StA, efilm, tfilm,
  M4a, ruc,
  ncrowx, ncrow,
  epsrow, Tmrow, 
  Δh_PreC, Δh_InterC, Δh_Regen, Δh_TurbC,
  Δp_PreC, Δp_InterC, Δp_Regen)

Turbofan performance and sizing routine.

Calculation procedure follows that of Kerrebrock, but the usual gas property formulas are replaced by function calls, which can therefore implement more general gas models. In addition, a turbine cooling model is added.

The gas routines reside in the following source files: gascalc.f Routines for various processes (compressor, turbine, combustor, etc) gasfun.f Routines for computing cp[T], h[t], sigma[T], R, called by the routines in gascalc.f

🔃 Inputs and Outputs


  • gee: gravity acceleration

  • M0: freestream Mach

  • T0: freestream temperature [K]

  • p0: freestream pressure [Pa]

  • M2: fan-face Mach number

  • M25: HPC-face Mach number

  • Feng: required net thrust (PKinl+PKout-Phi_jet)/u0 = sum( mdot u)

  • Phiinl: inlet ingested dissipation

  • iBLIc: 0=core in clear flow, 1=core sees Phiinl

  • BPR: bypass ratio = mdotfan/mdotcore

  • pif: fan pressure ratio ( = pt7 /pt2)

  • pilc: LP comp pressure ratio ( = pt25/pt2)

  • pihc: HP comp pressure ratio ( = pt3 /pt25)

  • pid: diffuser pressure ratio ( = pt2 /pt0)

  • pib: burner pressure ratio ( = pt4 /pt3)

  • pifn: fan nozzle pressure ratio ( = pt7/pt2.1)

  • pitn: turbine nozzle pressure ratio ( = pt5/pt4.9)

  • Ttf: fuel temperature entering combustor

  • ifuel: fuel index, see function gasfun (in gasfun.f)

  • etab: combustor efficiency (fraction of fuel burned)

  • epf0: fan max polytropic efficiency

  • eplc0: LPC max polytropic efficiency

  • ephc0: HPC max polytropic efficiency

  • epht0: HPT max polytropic efficiency

  • eplt0: LPT max polytropic efficiency

  • pifK: fan efficiency FPR offset: epolf = epf0 + epfK*(pif-pifK)

  • epfK: fan efficiency pif derivative

  • mofft: mass flow offtake at LPC discharge station 2.5

  • Pofft: low spool power offtake

  • Tt9: offtake air discharge total temperature

  • pt9: offtake air discharge total pressure

  • epsl: low spool power loss fraction

  • epsh: high spool power loss fraction

  • `icool turbine cooling flag 0 = no cooling, ignore all cooling parameters below 1 = usual cooling, using passed-in fcool 2 = usual cooling, but set (and return) fcool from Tmetal

  • Mtexit: turbine blade-row exit Mach, for setting temperature drops

  • dTstrk: hot-streak temperature delta {K}, used only if icool=2

  • StA: area-weighted Stanton number , used only if icool=2

  • M4a: effective Mach at cooling-flow outlet (start of mixing)

  • ruc: cooling-flow outlet velocity ratio, u/ue

  • ncrowx: dimension of epsrow array

  • ncrow: number of blade rows requiring cooling

  • epsrow(.): input specified cooling-flow bypass ratio if icool=1 output resulting cooling-flow bypass ratio if icool=2

  • Tmrow(.): input specified metal temperature [K] if icool=2 output resulting metal temperature [K] if icool=1


  • epsrow(.): see above

  • Tmrow(.): see above

  • TSFC: thrust specific fuel consumption = mdot_fuel g / F [1/s]

  • Fsp: specific thrust = F / (mdot u0) = F / ((1+BPR) mdot_core u0)

  • hfuel: fuel heating value [J / kg K]

  • ff: fuel mass flow fraction = mdotfuel / mdotcore

  • mcore: core mass flow = mdot_core [kg/s]

  • A2: fan-face area [m^2]

  • A25: HPC-face area [m^2]

  • A5: core nozzle area [m^2]

  • A7: fan nozzle area [m^2]

  • A6: core plume area [m^2]

  • A8: fan plume area [m^2]

  • Tt?: total temperature

  • ht?: total complete enthalpy (includes heat of formation)

  • pt?: total pressure

  • cpt?: specific heat at stagnation temperature (= dh/dT)

  • Rt?: gas constant at stagnation conditions

  • T?: static temperature

  • u?: velocity

  • epf: fan polytropic efficiency

  • eplc: LPC polytropic efficiency

  • ephc: HPC polytropic efficiency

  • epht: HPT polytropic efficiency

  • eplt: LPT polytropic efficiency

  • etaf: fan overall efficiency

  • etalc: LPC overall efficiency

  • etahc: HPC overall efficiency

  • etaht: HPT overall efficiency

  • etalt: LPT overall efficiency

  • Lconv: T if convergence was successful, F otherwise

The "?" symbol denotes the station index: 0 freestream 18 fan face outside of casing BLs 19 fan face over LPC portion 2 fan face over fan portion 21 fan exit 25 LPC exit, HPC inlet 3 compressor exit 4 combustor exit before cooling air addition 41 turbine inlet after cooling air addition 45 HPT exit, LPT inlet 49 LPT exit 5 core nozzle 6 core flow downstream 7 fan nozzle 8 fan flow downstream

  tfweight(iengwgt, Gearf, OPR, BPR, mdotc, dfan, rSnace,
  dlcomp, neng, feadd, fpylon)

Engine weight estimation function using Giulia Pantalone, Drela, or Fitzgerald model.

🔃 Inputs and Outputs


  • iengwgt: Engine model index, Drela=0, Fitzgerald=1, and Pantalone>=3,
  • OPR: Overall pressure ratio.
  • BPR: By-pass ratio.
  • mdotc: Engine core mass flow rate.
  • dfan: Fan diameter.
  • rSnace:
  • dlcomp:
  • neng: Number of engines.
  • feadd: Fuel system weight ratio.
  • fpylon: Pylon weight fraction.


  • Weng: Total engine weight.
  • Wnac: Nacelle weight.
  • Webare: Bare engine weight.
  • Snace1: Nacelle area.

Turbofan Maps

Ncmap(pratio, mb, piD, mbD, NbD, Cmap)

Calculates compressor or fan corrected speed as a function of pressure ratio and corrected mass flow

🔃 Inputs and Outputs


  • pratio: pressure ratio
  • mb: corrected mass flow
  • piD: design pressure ratio
  • mbD: design corrected mass flow
  • NbD: design corrected speed
  • Cmap(.): map constants


  • Nb: wheel speed
  • Nb_?: derivatives
ecmap(pratio, mb, piD, mbD, Cmap, effo, piK, effK)

Calculates compressor or fan efficiency as a function of pressure ratio and corrected mass flow

🔃 Inputs and Outputs


  • pratio: pressure ratio
  • mb: corrected mass flow
  • piD: design pressure ratio
  • mbD: design corrected mass flow
  • Cmap(.): map constants
  • effo: maximum efficiency
  • piK: pi-dependence offset eff = effo + effK*(pi-piK)
  • effK: pi-dependence slope


  • eff: efficiency
  • eff_?: derivatives
Ncmap1(pratio, m, piD, mbD, NbD, ABCDm, iabcd, Tr, pr)

Calculates compressor or fan efficiency as a function of pressure ratio and corrected mass flow

🔃 Inputs and Outputs


  • pratio: pressure ratio
  • mb: corrected mass flow
  • piD: design pressure ratio
  • mbD: design corrected mass flow
  • NbD: design corrected speed
  • ABCDm: map constants
  • iabcd: map exponents
  • Tr: T/Tref
  • pr: p/pref


  • N: wheel speed
  • N_?: derivatives
ecmap1(pratio, m, piD, mbD, ABCDm, iabcd, effo, Tr, pr)

Calculates compressor or fan efficiency as a function of pressure ratio and mass flow

🔃 Inputs and Outputs


  • pratio: pressure ratio
  • mb: corrected mass flow
  • piD: design pressure ratio
  • mbD: design corrected mass flow
  • ABCDm: map constants
  • iabcd: map exponents
  • effo: maximum efficiency
  • Tr: T/Tref
  • pr: p/pref


  • eff: efficiency
  • eff_?: derivatives
etmap(dh, mb, Nb, piD, mbD, NbD, ept0, Tmap, Tt, cpt, Rt)

Calculates turbine efficiency as a function of work and corrected mass flow

🔃 Inputs and Outputs


  • dh: enthalpy change
  • mb: corrected mass flow
  • Nb: corrected speed
  • piD: design pressure ratio
  • mbD: design corrected mass flow
  • NbD: design corrected speed
  • ept0: turbine polytropic efficiency estimate
  • Tmap(.): map constants


  • eff: efficiency
  • eff_?: derivatives
Pimap(mb, Nb, piD, mbD, NbD, Cmap)

Calculates compressor or fan pressure ratio as a function of pressure ratio and corrected mass flow

🔃 Inputs and Outputs


  • mb: corrected mass flow
  • Nb: corrected speed
  • piD: design pressure ratio
  • mbD: design corrected mass flow
  • NbD: design corrected speed
  • Cmap(.): map constants


  • pratio: pressure ratio
  • pi_?: derivatives

function tfoper!(gee, M0, T0, p0, a0, Tref, pref, Phiinl, Kinl, iBLIc, pid, pib, pifn, pitn, Gearf, pifD, pilcD, pihcD, pihtD, piltD, mbfD, mblcD, mbhcD, mbhtD, mbltD, NbfD, NblcD, NbhcD, NbhtD, NbltD, A2, A25, A5, A7, iTFspec, Ttf, ifuel, etab, epf0, eplc0, ephc0, epht0, eplt0, pifK, epfK, mofft, Pofft, Tt9, pt9, epsl, epsh, icool, Mtexit, dTstrk, StA, efilm, tfilm, M4a, ruc, ncrowx, ncrow, epsrow, Tmrow, Feng, M2, pif, pilc, pihc, mbf, mblc, mbhc, Tt4, pt5, mcore, M25)

Turbofan operation routine

Calculation procedure follows that of Kerrebrock,
but the usual gas property formulas are replaced
by function calls, which can therefore implement
more general gas models.  
In addition, a turbine cooling model is added.

The gas routines reside in the following source files:
 gascalc.f  Routines for various processes 
            (compressor, turbine, combustor, etc)
 gasfun.f   Routines for computing cp[T], h[t], sigma[T], R,
            called by the routines in gascalc.f
🔃 Inputs and Outputs


  • gee: gravity acceleration

  • M0: freestream Mach

  • T0: freestream temperature [K]

  • p0: freestream pressure [Pa]

  • Tref: reference temperature for corrected mass flow and speed

  • pref: reference pressure for corrected mass flow

  • Phiinl: inlet ingested dissipation Phi_inl

  • iBLIc: 0=core in clear flow, 1=core sees Phiinl

  • pid: diffuser pressure ratio ( = pt2/pt0)

  • pib: burner pressure ratio ( = pt4/pt3)

  • pifn: fan nozzle pressure ratio ( = pt7/pt6.9)

  • pitn: turbine nozzle pressure ratio ( = pt5/pt4.9)

  • Gearf: fan gear ratio ( = Nl/Nf )

  • pifD: design fan pressure ratio ( = pt21/pt2 )

  • pilcD: design LPC pressure ratio ( = pt25/pt19)

  • pihcD: design HPC pressure ratio ( = pt3 /pt25)

  • pihtD: design HPT pressure ratio ( = pt45/pt41)

  • piltD: design LPT pressure ratio ( = pt49/pt45)

  • mbfD: design corrected fan mass flow ( = mf*sqrt(Tt2 /Tref)/(pt2 /pref) )

  • mblcD: design corrected LPC mass flow ( = mc*sqrt(Tt19/Tref)/(pt19/pref) )

  • mbhcD: design corrected HLC mass flow ( = mc*sqrt(Tt25/Tref)/(pt25/pref) )

  • mbhtD: design corrected HPT mass flow ( = mt*sqrt(Tt41/Tref)/(pt41/pref) )

  • mbltD: design corrected LPT mass flow ( = mt*sqrt(Tt45/Tref)/(pt45/pref) )

  • NbfD: design corrected fan speed ( = Nf/sqrt(Tt2 /Tref) )

  • NblcD: design corrected LPC speed ( = Nl/sqrt(Tt19/Tref) )

  • NbhcD: design corrected HPC speed ( = Nh/sqrt(Tt25/Tref) )

  • NbhtD: design corrected HPT speed ( = Nh/sqrt(Tt41/Tref) )

  • NbltD: design corrected LPT speed ( = Nl/sqrt(Tt45/Tref) )

  • A2: fan-face area [m^2] mf = mcBPR, mt = mc(1+ff)

  • A25: HPC-face area [m^2]

  • A5: core nozzle area [m^2]

  • A7: fan nozzle area [m^2]

  • iTFspec: = 1 Tt4 is specified = 2 Feng is specified

  • Tt4: turbine-inlet total temperature [K]

  • Ttf: fuel temperature entering combustor

  • ifuel: fuel index, see function gasfun (in gasfun.f)

  • etab: combustor efficiency (fraction of fuel burned)

  • epf0: max fan polytropic efficiency

  • eplc0: LPC max polytropic efficiency

  • ephc0: HPC max polytropic efficiency

  • epht0: HPT max polytropic efficiency

  • eplt0: LPT max polytropic efficiency

  • pifK: fan efficiency FPR offset: epolf = epf0 + epfK*(pif-pifK)

  • epfK: fan efficiency pif derivative

  • mofft: mass flow offtake at LPC discharge station 2.5

  • Pofft: low spool power offtake

  • Tt9: offtake air discharge total temperature

  • pt9: offtake air discharge total pressure

  • epsl: low spool power loss fraction

  • epsh: high spool power loss fraction

  • icool: turbine cooling flag 0 = no cooling, ignore all cooling parameters below 1 = usual cooling, using passed-in fc 2 = usual cooling, but set (and return) fc from Tmetal

  • Mtexit: turbine blade-row exit Mach, for setting temperature drops

  • Tmetal: specified metal temperature [K], used only if icool=2

  • dTstrk: hot-streak temperature delta {K}, used only if icool=2

  • StA: area-weighted Stanton number , used only if icool=2

  • M4a: effective Mach at cooling-flow outlet (start of mixing)

  • ruc: cooling-flow outlet velocity ratio, u/ue

  • ncrowx: dimension of epsrow array

  • ncrow: number of blade rows requiring cooling

  • epsrow(.): input specified cooling-flow bypass ratio if icool=1 output resulting cooling-flow bypass ratio if icool=2

  • Tmrow(.): input specified metal temperature [K] if icool=2 output resulting metal temperature [K] if icool=1


  • epsrow(.): see above
  • Tmrow(.): see above
  • TSFC: thrust specific fuel consumption = mdot_fuel g / F [1/s]
  • Fsp: specific thrust = F / (mdot u0) = F / ((1+BPR) mdot_core u0)
  • hfuel: fuel heating value [J / kg K]
  • ff: fuel mass flow fraction = mdotfuel / mdotcore
  • Feng: net effective thrust = (PKinl+PKout-Phi_jet)/u0 = sum( mdot u)
  • mcore: core mass flow = mdot_core [kg/s]
  • BPR: bypass ratio = mdotfan/mdotcore
  • Tt?: total temperature
  • ht?: total complete enthalpy (includes heat of formation)
  • pt?: total pressure
  • cpt?: specific heat at stagnation temperature (= dh/dT)
  • Rt?: gas constant at stagnation conditions
  • T?: static temperature
  • u?: velocity
  • etaf: fan overall efficiency
  • etac: compressor overall efficiency
  • etatf: fan-turbine overall efficiency
  • etatc: comp-turbine overall efficiency
  • Lconv: T if convergence was successful, F otherwise

The "?" symbol denotes the station index: 0 freestream 18 fan face outside of casing BLs 19 fan face over LPC portion 2 fan face over fan portion 21 fan exit, precooler inlet 19c precooler outlet, LPC inlet 25 LPC exit, intercooler inlet 25c intercooler exit, HPC inlet 3 compressor exit 4 combustor exit before cooling air addition 41 turbine inlet after cooling air addition 45 HPT exit, LPT inlet 49 LPT exit, regenerative cooler inlet 49c regenerative cooler outlet 5 core nozzle 6 core flow downstream 7 fan nozzle 8 fan flow downstream


Turbofan Cooling

mcool(ncrowx, Tmrow, Tt3, Tt4, dTstreak, Trrat, efilm, tfilm, StA)

Calculates cooling mass flow requirement.

🔃 Inputs and Outputs


  • ncrowx: dimension of Tmrow(.),epsrow(.) arrays (max number of blade rows)
  • Tmrow(.): design metal temperature for each blade row
  • Tt3: cooling flow temperature
  • Tt4: hot gas temperature from burner
  • dTstreak: hot-streak temperature increase over Tt4, for first blade row
  • Trrat: static temperature ratio across each blade row, T4.1 / T4
  • efilm: cooling efficiency = (Tco-Tci)/(Tmetal-Tci)
  • tfilm: film effectiveness = (Tgas-Tfaw)/(Tgas-Tco) Tco = temperature of cooling air exiting blade Tci = temperature of cooling air entering blade Tfaw = film adiabatic wall temperature (for insulated-wall case) StA`: area-weighted external Stanton number = St (Asurf/Aflow) cpgas/cpcool


  • ncrow: number of blade rows which need cooling
  • epsrow(.): cooling mass flow ratio for each blade row, mcrow/m_air
Tmcalc(ncrowx, ncrow, Tt3, Tt4, dTstreak, Trrat, efilm, tfilm, StA, epsrow)

Calculates metal temperature for blade row

🔃 Inputs and Outputs


  • ncrowx: dimension of Tmrow(.),epsrow(.) arrays (max number of blade rows)
  • ncrow: number of blade rows which are cooled
  • epsrow(.): cooling mass flow ratio for each blade row, mcrow/m_air
  • Tt3: cooling flow temperature
  • Tt4: hot gas temperature from burner
  • dTstreak: hot-streak temperature increase over Tt4, for first blade row
  • Trrat: static temperature ratio across each blade row, T4.1 / T4
  • efilm: cooling efficiency = (Tco-Tci)/(Tmetal-Tci)
  • tfilm: film effectiveness = (Tgas-Tfaw)/(Tgas-Tco) Tco = temperature of cooling air exiting blade Tci = temperature of cooling air entering blade Tfaw = film adiabatic wall temperature (for insulated-wall case)
  • StA: area-weighted external Stanton number = St (Asurf/Aflow) cpgas/cpcoolOutput:
  • Tmrow(.): design metal temperature for each blade row